Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Online Homework

By Melissa Christlieb

Have you ever been assigned a homework assignment online? Or have you ever assigned your students online homework? Online homework is being implemented more and more in education each day. So, what are some pros and cons of online homework?

Let’s start with some pros. A major pro of online homework is the flexibility that it allows. Students have complicated schedules and are involved in more things than just your class. Having homework online allows students to learn when the time suits them and the opportunity to work in a different environment than a classroom. There are so many resources online now to help with homework and understanding. Online homework can be beneficial to students who are shy or do not like to talk in the classroom. Having discussions posts online gives those students a way to communicate what they are learning in a way that is comfortable for them. As a student, one aspect of online homework is that immediate feedback is provided in most cases.

Next, let’s talk about some cons with online homework. When assigning online homework, you normally have a bank of questions to pick from. This can cause teachers to assign too many problems because it is easy to assign them to students. Too much homework is a huge problem. With having homework online, especially with math, the websites want the answers in a certain way. This can be discouraging for the students if they doing to problem correctly, but the online website wants an answer in a different form. This recently happened in one of my tutoring sessions. After the third problem that was incorrect because of a formatting issue, the students felt very defeated and like they were doing everything wrong. However, if they were to turn in their answer on paper to the teacher it would be correct.

Overall, there are many pros and cons to online homework. Online homework can make tasks much simpler and more accessible to do anywhere students want to learn. On the other hand, online homework might be discouraging to students if simple formatting mistakes occur and continue to get problems wrong. So, would you use online homework in your classroom? 

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