students did their final presentations on Monday. They had to create a video lesson over a
statistics or probability topic, show us the video, and respond to the following:
you selected the particular math content for the lesson.
app or program you used and why.
you learned while creating the lesson.
you would do differently if you were to do it again or had more time.
11 students were divided into 4 groups.
It was very interesting to me that each group used a different
technology for their lesson. The
following technologies were used:
Knowmia, Educreations, Camtasia, and a webcam. Three of the groups presented with slides of
material and audio added to the slides.
One group was brave enough to actually put themselves on camera and do a
groups did a great job and learned a lot—the most frequent comment was that it
took longer than anticipated. I think
that one of their biggest takeaways from the course is the amount of time
needed to use technology well in a math classroom. I do think that this year’s class seemed to be
more hesitant to embrace technology.
Several of them started the semester disliking technology and I think
that they may feel the same way at the end of the semester. This concerns me and is something that I need
to think about before the class next spring—how can I convince them that
technology can be very effective in a math classroom and maintain the
philosophy that technology should not be used simply for technology’s sake?
should you expect in this class in Spring 2015?
think I am going to try to have students make an iPad app.
am going to somehow incorporate my new Da Vinci 3D printer.
blogging—and encourage them to think outside the box when they blog.
want to figure out how to create animated lessons.
you can see, it looks like I will be busy learning between now and January
2015. One of the things that I love most
about teaching is that I am always learning!