Monday, January 28, 2013

Tiered Assessment

  This website talked about a new form of assessing students.  The tests were composed of questions of certain levels D, C, B, A, with A being the most difficult.  They were graded with either a +, check, or --.  They were then given a 1, 2, 3, or 4 for each page depending on how they did on the questions.
  I learned that there are alternative ways to grade tests and a class.  We can be creative in the way we grade our class to tailor it to our own needs.  This grading idea helps a teacher see whether their students are responding to what they are teaching since there are questions based on what level the question is like D, C, B, A.  I like this method of the tiered assessment.
  It was helpful because it posed a new idea of grading, although I do not think this is how I would grade my class.  I would change portions of this grading method to accommodate my needs.
  I could use the idea of grading in a different way that would be tailored for my class.  I could alter the grading scale that they proposed to tailor it to my own needs.  I have a problem with the +, -, check, grading for each question.  Grading students on partial credit becomes difficult when giving only a +, -, and check.  The students are sometimes left wondering why they only got a check, plus, how do you distinguish what gets a check?  This is how my composition teachers graded our papers and I often wondered where do you draw the line between the grades.  Some student may do just enough to get a check, and some student may get so close to a + and just miss one portion and still get a check.

    I am not sure whether I will blog or not.  I may after my first couple years of teaching when I have some good experiences under my belt to share.  I feel like if I blogged before that I may not have enough information to share with people.

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